September 11, 2024

First Evening Training with Nea Zoi

By Jessica Rice - Platt


Thank you to everyone for all their continued prayers and support!

Tonight was my first training at Nea Zoi (New Life). They have been serving the girls in the red light district since 1977. I was comforted to know that in this time they have never encountered a dangerous situation. I observed the red light district to be surprisingly calm. With no violence within sight.

Even so, they only go out if they have two girls (to enter the brothels) along with one man to pray and protect outside. Since I am in training for the next three weeks, I stayed with the man outside. I was pleased to find out that the man I trained with (keeping his name confidential) had been with the association since the beginning. I learned so much from him. He shared mostly about prayer and how important it is for him to cover his team in prayer as they enter the brothels. When he shared, I could see his heart for Jesus and how much love and compassion he had for the mission. 

The mission of Nea Zoi is not to save anyone but to plant seeds of hope and love. I was humbled to learn how much power a simple act of love can have on the girls. This is why the team brings them hot or cold tea (depending) on the season along with biscuits. The intent is not to convert but simply to be the hands and feet of Jesus. They will leave them with cards that are translated in many different languages. If they reach out, they can receive an abundance of resources. From shelter, to clothing, to food, legal advocacy, counseling and so much more. Most of the girls do not speak the native tongue (Greek) and they do not have the proper paperwork to go out on their own. 

I think the most upsetting site for me was to see the amount of clients going in and out of the brothels. I became heavy very fast at which time I prayed and it was lifted. I prayed for the light of Jesus to touch, not only the girls but the clients. I do not know much about heaven but I do know that he calls many and few are chosen. It is not for me to decide who that will be. I was reminded of the scripture

Psalms 91 that said, "Whoever lives within the secret shadow of Shaddi, hidden in the strength of God most High, will always be kept safe and feel secure! He's the Hope that holds me, and the Stronghold to shelter me, The only God for me, and my Great Confidence." Strangely, I felt confident in the red light district. I knew he was there. I think so often, we assume that those in need will come to us, so we wait.

In Mathew 25 it says, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." This is a clear call to action. Didnt' Jesus do just that? Wouldn't you agree that these girls are in prison? If we were not willing to bring the light to them, who would? I am humbled and grateful. Please continue to pray for me and us as we continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus for these beautiful souls.



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